Issue Position: Healthcare & Medicaid Expansion

Issue Position

I support Governor Edwards' efforts to continue Medicaid expansion to all qualified Louisianians.
I support universal healthcare to cover doctor's visits, hospitalizations, preventive care, long-term care, mental health, reproductive health, dental care, vision, prescription drugs, and all other necessary medical services.
I oppose any laws that specifically target abortion clinics and do not apply to all medical facilities (TRAP laws).
I support rigorous review, debate, and prioritization of state "non-discretionary" spending against other governmental functions. According to LABI (, hundreds of millions of dollars in Louisiana's budget divert the State General Fund for a specific purpose, leaving higher education and healthcare exposed for reductions during times of deficit. This is simply unacceptable.
I do not support refusal of care laws or religious exemption laws. A patient's health should always come first. Hospitals, doctors, nurses, and other individuals & institutions should not be allowed to deny a patient standard medical care based on their personal beliefs; they should do what is best for the patient. Personal beliefs should never determine the care a patient receives from a medical professional.
Hospitals that receive government funding should not be allowed to deny medical care because of religious beliefs. Entities like hospitals that take taxpayer dollars should not be allowed to use religious beliefs as a reason to refuse to treat or serve a patient.
